Sunday, October 13, 2013

How-to Install Eclipse for C on Sabayon 13.8 Gnome i386/amd64 Destkop Easy Visual-Guide

How-to Install Eclipse for C Sabayon Linux

The Tutorial Show Step-by-Step How-to Install and Getting-Started with the Latest Eclipse 4.3 Kepler C/C++ for Linux Sabayon 13.8 Gnome 3 32/64bit Desktop.

If You Prefer there is the Possibility to Install the Eclipse 4.3 Platform on Gentoo Based Distros also with the java-overlay Procedure but I Find that's Simpler and Clearer Provide Directly to Download and Installation of the Eclipse JEE Release for Linux.

The Content and Details are Expressly Reduced to Give Focus Only to the Essentials Instructions and Commands and Make Tut more Easy & Digestive;)

To the Guide Bottom you find a Link to Create a Launcher and Hello-World Application Quick Starting.

Install Eclipse for C Sabayon
  1. Download Latest Eclipse C/C++ 4.3+ Kepler:

    Eclipse Kepler C/C++ Linux
  2. Double-Click on Archive and Extract Eclipse into /tmp Linux Gnome3 Eclipse Classic Extraction
  3. Open Terminal Window
    Linux Gnome 3  Open Terminal
  4. Relocate Eclipse
    mv /tpm/eclipse /opt
  5. Create a Symlink
    ln -s /opt/eclipse/eclipse /usr/bin/eclipse

    After you can Start Eclipse from Terminal simply with:

  6. Create an Eclipse Launcher for Easy-Starting:

    How-to Create Gnome3 Launcher
    Install Eclipse for Java Developers Sabayon Gnome3 Eclipse Launcher
  7. Eclipse C++ Getting-Started SetUp & Hello-World:

    Eclipse-C++ Hello World!